

n. noun Self-esteem is defined as, ‘the way an individual views and feels about themselves. An individual’s self- esteem also pertains to how well they do certain activities and skills that are important to them. ‘ A low self-esteem can be a contributing factor to an adolescent’s misbehavior. In fact, my At-risk teens possess a […]

Self-Defeating Behaviors

n.noun Self-defeating behaviors are any action a person commits, that brings about negative ramifications within their life. The reasoning for why a person would act on a self-defeating bedavior varies. Typically however, a person acts on a self-destructive behavior because it the most enjoyable of choices at the moment. The adolescent mind has a difficult […]


ˈsīəns/ n.noun Science is defined as, ‘ the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and the natural world through observation and experiment.’ In regards to a student’s formal education, however, science is one of the five core courses of their basic educational curriculum. Since science […]

School Refusal

Teens who are suffering from school refusal issues often exhibit a range of signs and symptoms and their refusal to go to school typically has an underlying mental or emotional cause. The School Refusal issue often results in teens dropping out of school and facing a bleak future. Early intervention is crucial for helping teens overcome their […]

Residential Treatment Centers

n.noun Residential treatment centers are specialized healthcare facilities for those who suffer from psychological disorders or display continuous behavioral issues. Residential treatment programs serve both children and adults, men and women, who suffer from disorders such as, bipolar disorder, reactive attachment disorder, ADD, mild to severe depression, and those who suffer from chemical dependency. Residential […]


Relationships are a personal bond that is shared between at least two separate individuals. This personal bond can be very intimate, such as the bond shared between husband and wife, or impersonal as the bond shared between boss and employee. Relationships are an absolute factor in terms of living a productive, healthy lifestyle. Without relationships, […]


n.noun A relapse is when an individual chooses to act on negative behavior that they have previously determined to quit engaging in due to self-destructive consequences that action had on their life. An example of a personal relapse would be if an individual who overcame drug addiction chose to engage in drug abuse even though […]

Rebellious Behavior

n.noun Rebellious behavior is an anti-social behavior that a person displays earn they show attitude, or action that opposes or undermines any type of authority. An individual who displays rebellious behavior views they are justified, and do not feel that they are wrong in their oppositional tendencies, as they see authority as oppressive. Rebelliousness is […]

Reactive Attachment Disorder

n.noun Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a fairly rare, but nonetheless, severe emotional disorder, that should be treated with appropriate, professional care. RAD is a condition that actually starts during the earliest years of a human’s development. RAD is prevalent in infants who were not given proper loving treatment in their first months living. Those […]

Qualitative Method

Qualitative Method refers to a study in which the scientist collects non-numerical data. These studies have no right or wrong answers. For example, a test that requires a person to tell stories about pictures (TAT test) is a qualitative test. A math test is numerical and does have right or wrong answers, so it is […]