
Residential Treatment Facility for Youth North Carolina, located in Montana

Being a teenager is hard enough! It’s even more challenging for parents to see their child deal with cognitive and behavioral health issues. Depression, anxiety, and ADHD are among some of the most common mental health problems for teenagers in North Carolina, making adolescence an incredibly challenging time for parents and their children. With a population of almost 10 million people, North Carolina is among the top 10 most populous states in the United States. Sadly, it was ranked 45th in access to pediatric mental health care. (2). Turning Winds is a leading treatment center for teens, located in Montana. For more information on how we can help your child, Contact us online for more information, or call us at 800-845-1380. If we miss your call, rest assured we will reconnect with you promptly to start planning your transformative experience at Turning Winds.

We here at Turning Winds believe that every teen needs and deserves access to treatment and life-long recovery. Our mission is to help families heal.  Since we opened our doors in 2002, we have been one of the country’s leading teenage mental and behavioral health facilities. We offer parents like you the benefit of our experience, expertise, and sincere desire to help.

How to Find the Best Residential Treatment Facility for Your Teen?

We here at Turning Winds believe that every teen needs and deserves access to treatment and life-long recovery. Our mission is to help families heal.  Since we opened our doors in 2002, we have been one of the country’s leading teenage mental and behavioral health facilities. We offer parents like you the benefit of our experience, expertise, and sincere desire to help.

Every parent’s goal is to provide their children with the best life possible. By understanding that your teen needs additional medical care and researching mental health facilities in North Carolina, you have taken the initial steps to help them course-correct. You may be concerned with particular struggles like social skills, habits, emotional stability, or other variables that can hinder their capacity to reach happiness. Yet, you can trust that offering help now will make an incredible difference in your teen’s life.

It is every parent’s dream to provide the best for their children. You have already taken the initial steps towards helping your teen by recognizing they need help and seeking the best mental health facility in North Carolina. 

While you may be anxious about specific challenges, whether it is their social skills, their habits, emotional state, or other factors that can affect their ability to thrive, find joy, and success, you can rest assured that getting them help now can make all the difference in your child’s future.

To help you make the best decision when choosing a youth residential treatment center near North Carolina, we’ve gathered the following tips:

1.    Location Matters

Many parents assume that a good residential treatment facility for teens is the one closest to home. The thinking is that the closer you are to your teenager while in treatment, the more opportunities you have to offer support, provide comfort, and for them to feel supported by parents, friends, and the rest of the family.

However, our experience at Turning Winds over the last twenty years has shown that out-of-state mental health facilities can be hugely beneficial. Distance plays a significant role in the success of treatment; it shortens the time to recovery and reduces the chances of relapses.

While there are many long-term mental health facilities in North Carolina, most have long waiting lists and are located in urban areas. We believe that a fresh start in a new environment, free from past influences and with abundant opportunities for exploration and learning, is crucial. This environment allows your teens to leave behind the triggers, influences, and habits that led to their current situation. Allowing your teens to experience new surroundings might be the very thing that saves them and equips them with new skills and better coping mechanisms.

2.    Length of Stay

As you research various programs, you’ll likely encounter different lengths of stay, with the most common being 30-60 days in short-term residential programs.

However, it’s worth noting that a long-term residential mental health individualized treatment plan, which spans from 6 to 12 months or sometimes longer, often yields better outcomes and is more beneficial.

Long-term residential programs are not quick fixes or superficial “band-aids.” Instead, they delve deep into the root causes of a teen’s issues, making them more successful. When teenagers understand the underlying feelings and reasons for their behavior, they can learn coping skills and develop new habits under the supervision of trained healthcare professionals.

3.    Insurance and Cost

It is essential to clarify your mental health coverage and benefits with your insurance provider and the order of what is covered. Here at Turning Winds, we work with your insurance to understand how much of the stay is covered by your plan, which services are covered, and to advocate and justify treatment.  We are an advocate for your teen.

Although many private insurance companies in North Carolina will not pay for the entire stay in long-term residential mental health facilities, they can help offset out-of-pocket expenses. Balance and payment might be a delicate issue, especially when dealing with health and life itself; however, remember that every cent spent goes toward your teen’s recovery, betterment, and future. If you want to reach out and discuss this further, our lines are open 24/7 at 800-845-1380.

How Turning Winds Can Help Adolescents

Turning Winds is a youth residential treatment center. It is a mental health, behavioral health, and substance use disorder treatment center and a boarding school for struggling adolescents. Located on 150 acres in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Montana, it is here where teens can enjoy a newfound perspective and a new environment to support them as they navigate their recovery journey. Whether you are looking for a North Carolina or an out-of-state mental health facility, we can help you find the right path for your teen.

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North Carolina Mental Health Facilities & Other Resources

Many parents favor enrolling their teen in a treatment center that is located near home under the belief system that they need to be able to regularly visit, that the home area is comfortable, among many other reasons; in many cases this can actually cause more harm than good. We strongly suggest exploring treatment facilities outside of your home area and even your home state. Seek the best program; licensed and accredited, certified, quality staff, strong clinical team, providing a plethora of opportunities for your child to heal, learn, and grow. Your search is about finding the best help within your power and abilities for your loved one, don’t restrict yourself from options because of location and distance. By expanding your search you not only increase options for quality care, but by sending your child to a different area it allows them to get away from unhealthy influences and distraction and affords them the chance to reset, look internally, and change. Allowing your child to go out-of-state for treatment could be the very thing that helps save their life.

It is usual for parents to feel overwhelmed by the admission and treatment process. To help you make better decisions and reduce the confusion resulting from the online commentary, we want to provide you with facts and the information you need to make the best decision for your child.

For more information on how Turning Winds can help you, contact us now at 800-845-1380.

We want to make sure that you can get the help your child deserves. The resources listed below are free and accessible to North Carolina residents.

  • United Way NC is a nationwide government-funded organization to help those struggling with economic, health, and social issues.
  • 2-1-1 is a local information and resource line for those living in NC.
  • SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration) is a government-funded agency to help those struggling with mental, behavioral, and substance use disorders with limited funds and state-funded insurance coverage find treatment.
  • AA North Carolina (Alcoholics Anonymous) alcoholic support group.
  • Al-Anon/Alateen NC support group for those affected by alcohol.
  • NA North Carolina (Narcotics Anonymous) drug abuse support group.
  • Nar-Anon NC support group for those affected by drug abuse.
  • NC Youth Services provides information and resources for adolescents.
  • LGBTQ Support provides support and resources for the LGBTQ community.
  • North Carolina Social Services is a statewide organization to help those looking for social services within NC.


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