



History is an educational course of study of formal education. As it is one of the core classes, students must successfully participate in and pass History class for that student to graduate or progress in their academic studies.

History class is an often overlooked, but critical portion of any student’s course of studies. History class is a vital education that opens the world’s past cultures and knowledge to students around the world. As the old adage goes: ‘ Those who do not know their culture’s history are destined to repeat the past mistakes of their culture.’ For this reason, it is imperative for a culture’s future leaders to be well-versed in their history so that they can improve their society while avoiding detrimental consequences of their forefathers if possible.


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Picture of John Baisden, Jr

John Baisden, Jr

John Baisden Jr is the father of seven inspiring children, and he is married to Kara, the love of his life. Together they have created a family-centered legacy by leading the way with early childhood educational advancement. John loves to write and is an author of a children’s book, An Unlikely Journey and plans to publish additional books. Show More

John is a visionary in his work and applies “outside-the-box” approaches to business practice and people development. He is the Founder of Turning Winds, along with several other organizations. He has extensive experience launching and developing organizations. His skills include strategic planning, promoting meaningful leader-member movement, organizational change, effective communication, project management, financial oversight and analysis, digital marketing and content creation, and implementing innovative ideas through influential leadership. As a leader, John seeks to empower others and brand success through collaborative work. His vision is to lead with courage, grit, truth, justice, humility, and integrity while emphasizing relational influence rather than focusing on the sheens of titles, positions, or things.

Finally, John is passionate about life and promoting equity among those who are often overlooked because of differences that frequently clash with the “norm.” He lives in Southern Idaho and loves the outdoors and the life lessons that can be learned in such an informal environment.

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