
Welcome Parents Of Turning Winds

Dear Parents/Guardians And Family Members,

I wish to extend you a warm welcome to our school. We know the road that led you to enroll your child with us was filled with difficulties and challenges. It is our hope that, by working together, we will assist in your child’s return to the path of a promising future.

This program guide resource was designed specially to assist you, the parents (or guardians) of newly enrolled students, in finding answers to the most frequently asked questions about Turning Winds. It contains overviews of the academic, therapeutic, and programmatic portions of the Turning Winds experience as well as additional information covering items to be completed in the first week, visitation guidelines, student living requirements, and communication guidelines. I hope you will find it a valuable resource for information about Turning Winds and that it will help answer many questions you may have.

It is very important that you carefully review each of the nine main sections, one per week, over the next nine weeks. Our hope is that you will be able to find all of the important information needed in this digital resource to help your child through the treatment process he/she is engaged in. Should you not find the answer to a question you have in this program guide or if you have any questions pertaining to any of the provided information please feel free to contact your child’s therapist by phone or email at any time.

In addition, in the case that you are not able to reach your child’s therapist or he or she is not able to help you in a particular matter please feel free to contact me by email or by phone. The best time to reach me by phone is during my office hours Monday through Friday. Should you need to contact me for emergency purposes, and I am not at the school, please contact me on my cell phone. My contact information as well as all other important contact information is listed below.

Please begin writing letters to your child immediately. If you have not already written the required Impact Letter start as soon as possible. Your letters will provide the loving reassurance they need in their new environment. 

Letters may be emailed to the following  address: or letters may also be sent to the following address: 31733 S Fork Yaak Rd., Troy, MT 59935-8681. 

Please be sure to include your child’s name in the subject line when sending email letters. Hearing from you regularly via letters is a vital source of support to your child during this difficult transition period.

On behalf of everyone at Turning Winds, thank you for your trust and support as we travel this challenging road together to a brighter future with your child.

Best Wishes,

Owen Baisden
Chief Executive Officer

Office phone:

Cell phone:

SITE INSTRUCTIONS: This program guide resource has been designed for you to book mark and to review periodically during the time your son or daughter is enrolled at Turning Winds. To become familiar with the our process, expectations for families, and other important information, please review one section each week over the next nine week period.

This will help to ensure that you are proficient in all of the instructional material provided to help you assist your son or daughter during this vital time of their lives, experience your own personal growth, and gain a better understanding of the overall treatment process. Click here to access the week one tasks page.

Important Contact Information

Facility and Corporate Office:

Turning Winds (Main Campus): 406-295-5400 Fax: 406-295-5400

Facility Address: 31733 South Fork Yaak Rd. Troy, MT 59935

Student Letters:

Corporate Office/Admissions: 208-267-1500 Fax: 208-267-1600

Clinical Contacts

April Christman, Clinical Director:

Emily Cobb, Clinician:

Rob Wenzel, Clinician:

Allison Sande, Clinician:

Dr. Kristen Sparks, Medical Director/psychiatrist:

Dr. Richard Holt, psychiatrist:

Academic Staff: Marcine Holmes, Executive Assistant/Registrar:

Jerome Bjornstad, Science and upper level math teacher:

Chase Hill, English teacher:

Manon DeMaagd, Math teacher:

Tony Smith, Social studies teacher:

Terry Herman, Special Education teacher:

Program Operations: Enoch Stump, Operations Director:

Carl Baisden, Operations Director:

Health Care Contacts:

Charmaine Baisden, Healthcare manager/Registered Nurse:

Shirin Lamp, Registered Nurse:

Administrative Contacts:

Marcine Holmes: Executive Assistant/Registrar:

Enoch Stump, Operations Director:

Carl Baisden, Operations Director/Chief Operating Officer:

April Christman, Clinical Director:

John Baisden Sr., Admissions:

Matt Blodgett, Outreach and admissions:

John Baisden Jr., Chief Financial Officer:

Owen Baisden, Chief Executive Officer:

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