
Parent Curriculum

While your child is at Turning Winds making strides to change and improve, it is important for you, the parent(s), to develop skills and make improvements in your own life that will better enable you to support the success of your child. The following are assignments that each parent/guardian is expected to complete as your son or daughter is going through the each phase. As you accomplish the assignments found in each phase please report back to your child’s therapist to review what you have learned.

Novice Phase Assignments

1. Write your Impact Letter to your child. For information and instructions, please refer to the Impact Letter in the Therapeutic Program Section.

2. Become familiar with TWAI’s 12 Character Virtues found in the Program Overview.

3. Read all eight sections of the Turning Winds Program Guide.

4. Select one of the following books to read and complete the accompanying assignment:

  1. The Anatomy of Peace – The Arbinger Institute – Identify areas you personally need to work on improving in the peacemaking pyramid. Outline a plan for how you will make those improvements.
  2. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers – Gary Chapman – Identify which of Chapman’s five love languages you are weakest at communicating, then complete that language’s session in the study guide. (Download the study guide by visiting, click on Free Resources then select the Five Love Languages of Child Study Guide for downloading).

Mentor Phase Assignments

1. Select one of the following books to read and complete the accompanying assignment:

  1. Parenting Teens With Love and Logic – Foster Cline and Jim Fay – Identify areas of parenting you would like to improve in and outline a plan for how you will make those improvements. Ask your child’s clinician for feedback on your plan.
  2. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie – Identify suggestions or techniques from the book you would like to improve in yourself and apply in developing a more positive relationship with your family.

2. Watch the movie The Ultimate Gift, then write about what gift or gifts you would like to bestow upon your child.

3. Participate in the development and creation of your child’s Behavior Contract.

Transition Phase Assignments

1. Set apart a time to read as a family, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, by Stephen R. Covey.

2. Schedule a weekly time to have a fun, interactive family activity.

3. Be supportive of the Transition Plan by enforcing its terms and conditions at all times.

4. As outlined in the Behavior Contract, participate in the periodic review of the Behavior Contract. Provide helpful and loving feedback to assist your child’s continued success.

Check Your Understanding


1. T/F It is important for you, the parent(s), to develop skills and make improvements in your own life that will better enable you to support the success of your child

2. T/F The Turning Winds program has three distinct phases

3. T/F The first phase in the Turning Winds program is called the Novice Phase

Multiple Choice

4. The following books are recommended:

a. Parenting Teens with Love and Logic

b. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers

c. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

d. All of the above


5. Which of the following assignments is not part of the curriculum

a. Watch the movie The Ultimate Gift, then write about what gift or gifts you would like to bestow upon your child.

b. Watch the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas

c. Participate in the development and creation of your child’s Behavior Contract

d. Schedule a weekly time to have a fun, interactive family activity

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