
ODD Assessment

ODD Assessment

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Assessment

Instructions: Answer the questions about your teens behavior.


Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Teen Treatment Options

ODD is amongst the most difficult of disorders to diagnose because it is hard to tell the difference between ODD and the typical strong willed child, its symptoms are often extremes of normal childhood oppositional behavior. During periods such as the “terrible two’s” and the early teenage years defiance and opposition tend to be a little stronger, even for “normal” kids. When the strong opposition and defiance persist above normal levels, then the parents should start worrying about their son or daughter. It is common for ODD to occur along with other disorders such as ADHD, Anxiety, learning disabilities, and mood disorders (such as depression). By some studies it has been estimated that over 20% of school-aged children may struggle with oppositional defiance. While it affects both boys and girls ODD has been found to be much more prevalent in boys. To be diagnosed with ODD the symptoms generally must first appear before the child is 8 years old. In addition, the behaviors must meet the following criteria:

When to Seek Treatment:

Early treatment (nipping it in the bud) is essential in combating any disorder a child may have. ODD may be confusing to some parents because the child typically only manifests ODD behaviors around adults and peers the child knows well. Because of this, mental healthcare professionals also may have a difficult time diagnosing ODD because the child may not be comfortable enough to exhibit the behaviors. It is important to note that those who have ODD are most likely not to see themselves as having a problem. If you see your child’s behavior causing significant impairment in social, family, academic, and occupational functioning, or if you are worried about your ability to effectively parent your teen, then it is recommended that you seek help from a licensed mental health care professional or from a licensed mental health care facility. Here are a few treatment options for parents struggling with a troubled teenage son or daughter.

  • Family counseling
  • Individual counseling
  • Medication
  • Therapeutic schools

How is ODD Diagnosed?

The only way that ODD can be diagnosed is by a face-to-face meeting with a mental health care professional licensed to practice in the mental health field. As a parent it is in the best interest of your child to seek medical help if you feel like your son or daughter may be ODD. Professionals may include psychiatrists’, counselors’ or mental health facilities that specialize in treating youth who are struggle with defiance.

TWAI Therapeutic Boarding School Treats Teens Who May Struggle With ODD

Our therapeutic boarding school specializes in treating teens who have low to moderate symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). This disorder is characterized by defiance, disobedience and/or argumentative behavior towards authority figures for a period of six or more months. Other symptoms can include loss of temper, arguing, refusal to comply with rules, intentionally annoying others, anger, blaming others for mistakes and being vindictive. Our treatment process allows teens who are enrolled in our therapeutic program to overcome the oppositional tendencies against authority.

**Note: This page is meant for informational purposes only. It is not a complete list of all disorders, but rather the most common disorders present in the youth that are served by TWAI’S therapeutic boarding school for troubled teens. For further understanding and information about any of the above disorders, please consult the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V-TR.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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