
How Does Personality-Based Intervention Reduce Teen Binge Drinking?

Recent research has shown that teen binge drinking can be effectively curbed through the use of personality-based intervention. The research is encouraging for parents whose teens struggle with binge drinking issues, with one study showing that there was a significantly lower rate of drinking among those targeted by this type of intervention.

The research also indicated that personality-based intervention is a more effective use of substance abuse treatment than traditional programs which focus primarily on educating teens about the dangers of binge drinking and drugs.

How is personality-based intervention different from other methods of substance abuse treatment? In studies done both in England and the Netherlands, four aspects of adolescent personality – anxiety, heightened interest in highly-stimulating experiences, impulsiveness, and hopelessness – were used to identify teens who are at a greater risk of becoming involved in binge drinking. Individuals who were identified as being at-risk then took part in two intervention sessions tailored to his or her personality profile.

Identifying The Right Type of Therapy For A Child Is Critical

Studies showed that binge-drinking was reduced by over 40 percent in students who exhibited the four personality traits listed and were targeted by the intervention program, compared to those who took part in traditional substance abuse prevention programs.

There’s no denying the dangers of binge drinking for all people, but particularly for teenagers. The negative consequences associated with binge drinking include a higher risk of exposure to accidental injury, assault-related injuries, rape and other forms of sexual assault, and to disease and pregnancy through unprotected sex. Teens who binge drink also have increased odds of developing an alcohol use disorder, as well as a greater chance of delayed/altered growth and development, and of receiving poor grades.

Programs like Turning Winds Academic Institute are designed to help struggling teens transition into adulthood as healthy, independent individuals no longer held back by issues such as alcohol use. Instead, they will have a new direction and purpose in life. If your child is one who is struggling, contact the professionals at TWAI today.

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Picture of John Baisden, Jr

John Baisden, Jr

John Baisden Jr is the father of seven inspiring children, and he is married to Kara, the love of his life. Together they have created a family-centered legacy by leading the way with early childhood educational advancement. John loves to write and is an author of a children’s book, An Unlikely Journey and plans to publish additional books. Show More

John is a visionary in his work and applies “outside-the-box” approaches to business practice and people development. He is the Founder of Turning Winds, along with several other organizations. He has extensive experience launching and developing organizations. His skills include strategic planning, promoting meaningful leader-member movement, organizational change, effective communication, project management, financial oversight and analysis, digital marketing and content creation, and implementing innovative ideas through influential leadership. As a leader, John seeks to empower others and brand success through collaborative work. His vision is to lead with courage, grit, truth, justice, humility, and integrity while emphasizing relational influence rather than focusing on the sheens of titles, positions, or things.

Finally, John is passionate about life and promoting equity among those who are often overlooked because of differences that frequently clash with the “norm.” He lives in Southern Idaho and loves the outdoors and the life lessons that can be learned in such an informal environment.

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